My hobby

摘要:I have many hobbies,such as reading books, listening to music and do sports. But reading is my favorite hobby. I like reading all kinds of books. I can learn many things from reading. Reading tells me how to live and study. I always read bo……

  I have many hobbies,such as reading books, listening to music and do sports. But reading is my favorite hobby. I like reading all kinds of books. I can learn many things from reading.

  Reading tells me how to live and study. I always read books on weekends. I usually read books with my friends. Sometimes I read books with my family. After reading,we can talk with each other. I like reading very much. Do you like reading? We can read together.


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● 编辑 : 朤朤 / 陌语 / 沈晓沫
● 发布 : 娜娜     审核 : 朤朤 / 陌语
● 热线 : 158-1078-1908
● 邮箱: (#改为@)

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