My Pet

来源:驻马店市九中 七(一)班Friday April-23 2021 09:41:42

  • 高晗

    高晗  驻马店市九中 七(一)班

    作者介绍: 作者选择隐藏介绍

  • 指导老师:张春玲    发布时间:2021-04-23


  •    3

         Hello,everyone ! Cats are my favorite animals.I have a pet cat. Her name is Xingxing. On my thirteenth birthday, my dad buys her for me. Now,she is two years old.

        Xingxing is white and black. She eats a lot of food every she is a little fat. She likes playing with balls. She is very cute and friendly. She can walk on two legs and she can also dance. When I get home,she always welcormes me. My family all like her. My mom says she is smart.My dad says she is lovely. But sometimes,she is kind of lazy.

        Xingxing is like a friend to me. I like her very much.And all animals are our friend. We must be friendly to them.

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