My friend

来源:确山县博源双语学校Tuesday July-28 2020 09:30:38

  • 夏雅涵

    夏雅涵  确山县博源双语学校

    作者介绍: Class One, Grade Five(五一班) Xia Yahan(夏雅涵)

  • 指导老师:张玉    发布时间:2020-07-28


  •   I have a good friend. Her name is Lili. She is tall and thin.

      She has long straight hair. She studies very hard. So she is good at all the subjects. We study and do sports together on weekends. She is very kind. She always helps and teaches me.

      I like her very much.


      Xia Yahan(夏雅涵)

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