My room

来源:确山县博源双语学校Tuesday July-28 2020 11:00:40

  • 袁筱婷

    袁筱婷  确山县博源双语学校

    作者介绍: Class One, Grade Five(五三班) Yuan Xiaoting(袁筱婷)

  • 指导老师:张玉    发布时间:2020-07-28


  •   My name is Yuanxiaoting. I have a big and nice room. The walls of this room are white. There is a beautiful desk in the room. There are four books on the desk. There is a bed in the room. Four people can sleep on it. There is a doll on the bed.

      There is a clock on my desk. The clock is green. It looks like an apple. There is a bookshelf beside the bed. There are many books on the bookshelf. The bookshelf is very useful. This is my room. I like it very much. It is great and beautiful. I like everything in the room.


    作者Yuan Xiaoting(袁筱婷)

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    ● 热线 : 158-1078-1908
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