My classroom

来源:确山县博源双语学校Tuesday July-28 2020 09:19:37

  • 刘嘉怡

    刘嘉怡  确山县博源双语学校

    作者介绍: Class One, Grade Five(五三班)  Liu Jiayi(刘嘉怡)

  • 指导老师:张玉    发布时间:2020-07-28


  •   My classroom is big and beautiful. There is a big and new blackboard. There is a computer on the wall. My teacher always use the computer to teach us. There are forty three desks and chairs in my classroom. So there are forty three pupils. There are four Windows on the wall. And there are some pictures on the wall, too. At the corner,there is a bookshelf. Many books are on the bookshelf. I like these books very much. This is my classrooms. I like it very much. Do you have a beautiful classroom, too?


    作者Liu Jiayi(刘嘉怡)

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    ● 热线 : 158-1078-1908
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